Ben Brown

Creating FICTION QUEST, an ai-assisted adventure game

  • 16 members
  • 39 posts
  • $47.72/month

Choose your membership

Citizen of Cyberspace
 / month

You are a citizen of the infinite RPG. You get access to the experimental AI-powered game system, along with updates about the development of the software and highlights from play tests.

  • Access to the game server
  • A Fiction Quest sticker
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Ambassador to Cyberspace
 / month

As an ambassador, you are going to spend a LOT of time in the game, exploring, tinkering... maybe even building part of the world. Your $20 will help support the cyber infrastructure needed to expand the world.

  • Access to the game server
  • A Fiction Quest sticker
God-like Entity
 / month

You wish to rule over the proto-universe like a diety, wielding unlimited power over the virtual world.

This is actually no different than the other tiers, but allows you to provide major support to the project.

  • Access to the game server
  • A Fiction Quest sticker

Recent posts by Ben Brown

Ben Brown

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